To ensure that you have a great experience writing your exam, you need to validate that your computer meets the technical requirements.
You have been invited to complete an exam on Nexam, but you haven't received your code ?
Logging onto Nexam's online exam platform for the first time? This article provides the step-by-step process.
Here are a few simple steps to update your operating system, whether on Windows or MAC.
This article contains instructions on ensuring your Chrome browser is up-to-date.
Internet connection speed can be tested on the Nexam platform.
During an exam, all applications must be closed and notifications disabled. Here’s how to disable your notifications on Windows and Mac!
Are you ready for the last sprint before the official exam? Here are some tips and tricks to avoid unpleasant surprises on exam day.
How do I access Nexam with a Google or Microsoft account? Use the email address associated with your Nexam account to easily log in via Google or Microsoft authentication services.
Multi-factor authentication enhances the security of your account by adding an additional verification step.