The Nexam Specs Validator tool enables you to validate, in a matter of seconds, whether the configurations and requirements for completing an examination on the Nexam platform have been met.

The tool is downloaded via the Validate my device tab in the Dashboard.

Windows users on Chrome

Once you've downloaded the application, if you see a box saying "Windows has protected your computer" :

  • Click on More information
  • Click on Run anyway
  • If a firewall also opens, click on Allow access
  • Click on Start validation, which will take a few seconds
ℹ️ Note: if the requirements are met, the following message appears: "Bravo! Your computer meets the requirements". If not, the requirements not met will be identified.

Mac users

To start installing the Nexam Validation Tool, you must first select the Nexam icon.


  • Depending on your settings, a warning may appear, so click on OK.
  • To authorize the download, select Apple menu > System Preferences and click on Security & Privacy.
  • In the Security & Privacy > General section, select "App Store and identified developers".
    • A message The use of "Nexam Specs Validator" is blocked, because the application does not come from an identified developer, select the "Open anyway" button.

ℹ️ Note: if the padlock at the bottom of the page is crossed out, you'll need to click on it to open the Preferences panel.
  • Following installation, validation can be started by clicking Start validation.
ℹ️ Note: the following message will appear if the requirements are met: Congratulations! Your computer meets the requested requirements. Otherwise, the unmet requirements will be identified. 

Windows users on Edge

⚠️ The Google Chrome browser must be used to access Nexam. However, here is the procedure for Edge:
  • Start the download
  • Click on the download icon, and choose Keep
  • A warning message may appear, click on Show more
  • Select Keep anyway, then open the download to complete the installation.
  • Following installation, validation can be started by selecting the "Start validation" button.

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